The CCTV system (Closed Circuit Television), also referred to as a video surveillance system, is the fastest growing segment of the security industry. While the cost of camera security systems is dropping, businesses in Louisville KY and beyond are discovering the benefits of surveillance cameras as part of their security solution. In fact, the trend is expected to continue growing as much as 46% by the year 2019.

Below are a few of the immediate advantages of a CCTV video surveillance system.

View your cameras from anywhere with a CCTV system

A CCTV system allows you to see what’s going on at your business from anywhere, anytime. Whether you are checking in on employees or reviewing an incident, it’s a major convenience to be able to see the activities on your premises at all times.

Deter potential burglars 

According to one study, 60% of burglars said they would not attempt a robbery after seeing an outdoor camera system. You can greatly reduce the risk of burglary simply by installing visible surveillance cameras.

Encourage good behavior among employees

Criminals aren’t the only ones who behave better under the watchful eye of a camera. Employees are also more likely to participate in good behavior when they know there is a record of their actions.

Prevent frivolous lawsuits and safety issues

A surveillance system allows you to review and prove your case if a threatening legal issue arises. One simple slip-n-fall injury can cost a company $22,800 on average. Video surveillance camera systems can reduce this amount by showing that you did your due diligence.

Save on insurance rates

Another way a CCTV system can save you money is in insurance fees. Providers offer up to 20% off premiums for having a qualified security system in place. If an event does occur and you’re able to provide video proof of what took place, you might avoid paying certain deductibles.


Sonitrol is a trusted Louisville security company with a state-of-the-art CCTV system. We are finding more and more use for them all of the time. Because prices for quality systems are decreasing, businesses are able to experiment with using them for a variety of applications.

So how could you use surveillance cameras to secure your facility here in Louisville or elsewhere?



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