construction siteSecurity has always been a top priority among construction site owners and managers. According to FBI statistics the cost of equipment theft goes well over $1 billion a year due to theft and vandalism. That number has grown steadily by 10% since 1996, making the subject a cause of growing concern.

Remember, your potential loss is not only limited to construction materials. There are substantial indirect cost such as project-overrun penalties and downtime as well. There are, however, steps to prevent costly security breaches.  But the ideal situation is to be able to catch the criminals in action.

Construction site theft can be as simple as the weekend do-it-your-selfer looking for materials to finish their own project.  Or it may be the work of professional criminal looking to steal equipment , ranging anywhere from air compressors up to excavators.  Talking with several constructions companies in the Louisville area most admit they have been impacted by theft from work sites.  Now a days the thieves are looking for copper.  They also agree that they are not random thefts, but rather well-contrived by someone who has been watching the progression of the site.  Often times they know the comings and goings of deliveries and workers.  They also learn the lay of the land…they know what they want and where it is stored on the construction site. This makes it an easy and quick theft

Most construction sites can be partially protected by a fence around the premise.  But a fence alone will not keep thieves from climbing over or even driving through the fence.  Video Cameras are another way to protect the site.  But often times the install is difficult because of the need for power.  Also Video Camera’s are great to see what happened and give copies to the Police department in hopes they recognize the thief but often times an arrest is not made.

One of the latest security systems that has hit the industry is Videofied.  Videofied is a completely wireless system for indoor or outdoor use.  When the Motion Viewer detects movement it begins securely streaming a live video clip to the Monitoring station via the Internet or cellular connection.  At that time the operator calls local Police  and tells the dispatch they have a beak in and have live video of the person or persons involved.  This is a verified alarm and the Police Officer know it is a real break in…not just another false alarm.

Take a look at the video that has been sent to our Monitoring Site:

What makes this system so effective for construction sites is that it is totally portable.  Once the job is done the system can easily be moved to the next site.  This is one of many reasons why this system is the best line of defense at constructions sites.

With all the differece security systems and camera systems on the market now, make sure you work with an expert in all forms of security.  A good Security company will come visit you and do an assessment of what your issues are and will recommend a variety of ways to be able to help you and do so with in a budget.  Do not go with a company that woill throw you a systsem and priceopfver the phone.  The company onle cares about them selves and not YOU.

Call Sonitrol of Louisville or click below.  Let a Sales Consultant help you with your needs.


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