Security guard vs. security camera“My daddy can lick your daddy!”

“Can not.”

“Can too.”

“Can not!”

“Can too!”

It’s kind of childish.

But there’s something to be said about being proud of who you have on your side.

Here at Sonitrol of Louisville, we’re proud of the products and services we offer. We think they’re the best in the business.

For the fun of it – call it an exhibition round – we’ll even pit our cameras against live security guards. Man vs. Machines. Go.


A security guard costs anywhere from $15/hour for an unarmed guard to over $100/hour for an armed guard working after hours. In contrast, a camera system can be installed and monitored for an entire year for about $3/hour. That camera system includes multiple cameras, and the cost reduces the further you depreciate the system.


You have to tell a security guard what to do and where to be. You do pretty much the same for a camera. It’s just that a camera actually does it, exactly like you set it to.


A security guard can often see things a camera can’t see. A guard knows to look around blind spots, investigate what looks out of place. A camera system, though, sees everything all at once. If you have three or four entrances located around your facility, crafty intruders can wait until a guard moves to a different location. Cameras allow security to be in more than one place.


A security guard could get hurt on the job in the event of a break in. A camera could get damaged too, but that’s far less of a problem than personal injury.


A security guard might not remember all the details. A security camera can play back the details again and again. A camera might not be as flexible as a live security guard, but when it comes to records, cameras keep them almost flawlessly.

Most people don’t compare security surveillance systems to security guards. The fact that cameras can come out ahead in a direct comparison shows how far camera systems have come. It’s not just bragging. Cameras can too be the stronger contender.



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