Managed Access ControlSonitrol access control capabilities, system design and expansion, and costs are significantly different from other, more traditional access control systems.

Traditional systems require the customer to provide computers, accompanying software, and personnel to manage their system.

Sonitrol provides all this for customers while still allowing them complete control if they want it.

Sonitrol Managed Access Control

Sonitrol offers a “Managed” access control system. Managed access control means the customer simply sends us a list of users. We build the program and add the users. More importantly, we’ll continue to manage the program and user changes from our offices for the life of the system.

  • Customers don’t purchase standalone access control software and a computer to run it.
  • They don’t have to train any employees to make changes on a difficult-to-understand security panel.
  • They don’t pay their employees to spend time setting up the security system as people come and go.

On top of that, with a traditional system, if the management piece fails for some reason, the system goes down. In contrast, our system is web based. We won’t leave customers with their system down simply because their computer died.

No other security company offers this service for managed access control.

MySonitrol Managed Access Control

Sonitrol also offers a web portal at that allows customers to manage their access control themselves. For some customers, it’s easier for them to log into a website and make simple changes than emailing us here at the office to make the changes for them.

The web portal is intuitive to learn and easy to operate. For customers wanting hands-on control, this can be the best option. It’s provided free of charge and only requires Internet to access, no software or special computer. We update the web portal ourselves, so there’s never a need to upgrade either.

Sharing management

In any case, both options are available to all our customers. We don’t charge extra to switch between the two.

Some customers start by doing many of the changes themselves and then later decide it’s easier to let us handle it all. That’s fine. Other customers prefer to do the day-to-day changes themselves, but email us when they want to make substantial changes for many people at once. That’s fine too.

That’s the beauty of our managed access control shared configuration. We leave it up to the customer to decide what role they want to play in managing their system. Either way, we’re always here to help.

No other security company offers this technology matched with this kind of service.


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