A good service agreement guarantees the experience you want, not just the product get.


For instance, what if you could buy a car and know for certain that buying it would mean…

  • Never breaking down on the side of the road
  • Always feeling comfortable on all your drives
  • Always looking stylish to the people you know

Would you make payments on that car if you could afford it?

In many ways, that’s what we try to buy when we shop for a new car.

We investigate how dependable the car is. If it’s a new car, we read reviews. If it had a previous owner, how many miles does it have on it, and how well did that owner take care of it? We climb into it to feel the cushions, the A/C, and legroom in the back. We admire the contours of the front hood curving over the wheels.

And if everything seems right, we sign the deal. But what we’re really paying for each month is the experience the car will give, not just the hunk of moving metal, leather, and plastic.

This is even more true for security.

What if you could buy a security system and know for certain that it would…

  • Never leave you vulnerable at night
  • Always have someone available to help you operate it
  • Never charge you to replace worn out or outdated equipment

Would you make payments on that system if you could afford it?

That’s what a service agreement is all about for security.

Instead of paying for parts as you need them, spending potentially thousands of dollars for repairs, a good service agreement guarantees your system will be up and running for a small monthly fee. It gives you the experience you want – peace of mind through world class security – without the hassle of buying new equipment and paying for labor to keep the equipment in service.

The common question is, why sign a service agreement for security? The better question is, why would you want to pay for parts when what you want is ongoing security?


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